"OnCore Leads is a remote-first organization. They’re growing quickly and with that comes more vendors - and more bills."

John Anderson, Co-founder, OnCore Leads
OnCore Leads
Folsom, California
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OnCore Leads is a remote-first organization. They’re growing quickly and with that comes more vendors - and more bills.

To help their distributed team stay in sync and ensure payments get made efficiently, they use Corpay One to save 90% of the time they used to spend on payments!

What bill pay looked like for OnCore Leads before Corpay One

Before Corpay One, John was managing all of OnCore’s vendor payments himself - manually, through their bank.

So, for each payment, he would log into their banking portal, type out or copy and paste the amount owed to the vendor and then initiate the individual payment via ACH or Wire.

OnCore sends upwards of 20 payments every week - and John had to repeat this process for every. single. one.

And while it didn’t happen often, John noticed this time-consuming manual process was resulting in data entry errors.

Since their vendor and supplier count was steadily increasing, John knew his time as a co-founder could be better spent on more important initiatives. But when evaluating solutions, he found they were too expensive, complex or cumbersome for their needs - until he found Corpay One.

”When I looked at Corpay One, I was like okay, this is pretty darn simple. I was able to log on pretty quickly and understand what I could do. The other platforms looked much more difficult to do just what we want to do, which was simply to track and pay vendors. Period.”

He wanted to find a powerful solution that was user-friendly and quick to set up - and Corpay One checked those boxes. The real benefit for OnCore, though, was time savings.

What OnCore loves about Corpay One

Manual data entry takes time - especially when you’re doing it 25-30 times a week. Since moving all of OnCore’s vendor payments to Corpay One and gaining the ability to send payments in bulk, John says he has saved 90% of the time he used to spend on bill pay.  Now, he says he can supervise the payments process instead of “being in the trenches and making potential errors.” That’s every manager’s dream, right?

Winning back productive hours for your team is one of the many benefits of automating payments with Corpay One! You can ditch manual data entry (and paper!) and automatically issue vendor payments in just a few clicks. Our scanning technology enters all of the payment details into Corpay One - so you don’t have to. And once you upload a bill or receipt from a vendor, Corpay One remembers the bookkeeping details for future documents for that vendor.

Plus, you can empower your team without the worry. With Corpay One, you get complete visibility of all of team spend (like home office or software purchases!) all in one place. You can track and view all employee and vendor expenses, including receipts, from anywhere. Plus, with a built-in audit trail, all activity stays tied to bill, receipt or expense - so, you can worry less about how your team is managing their spend.

In addition to the built-in features, John says his experience with our one-to-one customer service and chat support has been outstanding. When you sign up for Corpay One, the experience doesn’t end after your profile is created. A member of our support team is always there to answer questions you have and ensure you are getting the best experience possible. And, we always check-in to make sure everything is going smoothly.

“One thing I pride myself on is finding the best systems out there to help us. We're always looking for the best SaaS product that's out there. And Corpay One fit the bill.”

About Corpay One

Corpay One is a leading spend management solution for scaling businesses. Picture your bank’s bill pay - only smarter, with one platform to manage your business bills and a credit card (the Corpay Mastercard®!) to pay them. You can build custom bookkeeping and approval workflows that work for your team, while streamlining payments to your vendors, managing employee spend with custom controls and leveling up your business with line of credit. This is intelligent spend management designed to help you spend smarter, earn faster and save more. Get started today!

*These testimonials were received via text, audio or video submission. They are individual experiences, reflecting real life results of those that have used our products and services. Results may vary.

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