When it comes to business credit cards, there's a lot to consider. As a business owner, you want a card that's the right fit for your business—and ideally, one that can grow with it, too.
That’s where smart cards come in. These cards are more than just credit cards - they might have special perks, increased functionality, or other features that help your business thrive (and some, like the Corpay One Mastercard® can even help you pay your bills!).
What makes a card smart? We’re glad you asked!
When your card can do more, your business can do more—and smart cards are designed with that potential in mind. Although features can vary from card to card, let’s dive into some perks that set smart cards apart.
With a smart card, you can get more control over spending by setting it according to daily, weekly or monthly limits, or by merchant category. Coupled with same-day transaction posting, smart cards can empower your business to control card spending before it happens.
A smart card can also allow you to see all of your transactions in one place—whether you’re checking from your computer or a mobile app! Plus, some cards have the capability to remotely, instantly deactivate a card—granting you even more control over when and where your card is used.
Gathering receipts, managing expenses, paying bills—there’s a lot to keep track of with traditional credit card reporting. Smart cards give you the option to increase visibility, from a bird’s eye down to a detailed view. You could see spending broken down by coworker, vendor, or by categories that you choose. There’s even the option to see a calendar view of all expenses, so you know who’s spending what, and when they’re spending it.
Did you know? With Corpay One, you can pay bills via credit card—even for vendors who don’t accept them! This means you can put your cash towards initiatives that move the needle, while things like your rent, freelancers and insurance are paid by card. You can either use the Corpay One Mastercard®, or bring your own card¹, so you don’t miss out on card rewards.
One of the best benefits of a smart card? Less typing (and less manual work!) If your organization is using QuickBooks Online and a smart card - like the Corpay One Mastercard® - your card transactions and associated receipts sync to QuickBooks Online. You can also add expense coding data, like category, code or department (whatever custom data you have in QuickBooks Online) to each expense, so you don’t have to manually enter it in QuickBooks Online.
Smart cards can go a long way in saving time. If your business is looking for a flexible and easy-to-use smart card, consider the Corpay One Mastercard®. It’s a smart, corporate credit card designed with small businesses in mind, and it comes equipped with smart features to help your businesses get ahead. The end result? Automated processes, full control over your card, and simpler spend management.
A smart card is even better when you pair it with a smart spending platform. The Corpay One Mastercard® coupled with the Corpay One platform provides a complete view of your company’s spend. Pay your bills, automate workflows and review card activity, all in one place. With these features and more (did we mention Corpay One has two-way sync with Quickbooks Online?), you can take your business to the next level. Simplify your spend with the Corpay One Mastercard® or get started with the Corpay One platform today!